Tag Archives: humility

The student of knowledge feels no envy of people who are learning and he does everything he can to help them, not hinder them

With regards to the student of knowledge being pleased with and helping the Muslim who is learning and not having any envy of him, the Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al ‘Uthaymeen rahimahullaah comments:

And from that which is befitting for the student of knowledge with regards to his colleagues is that he does not have jealousy of them regarding that which Allaah has bestowed upon them, by way of memorization or understanding or knowledge.

And that he does not have jealousy of them in that by which he may benefit them, by way of supporting (them) and helping (them) – be that in (giving them) a booklet or (sharing) research or other than that.

This is because for some of the students, Shaytaan speaks to him saying to him, “If you help your companion, he will become better than you.” And this is an error.

Rather we say, just as the Prophet sall Allaahu ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi wa sallam said:

Allaah is in the aid of the servant whilst the servant is in the aid of his brother.”

And it does not automatically follow on that if your companion is someone who is coming for the forefront (due to his knowledge) or someone who is attaining knowledge which he did not attain except with your (help), it is does not necessitate that he has got ahead of you.

So (by helping him) you are benefitting yourself and you are not harming your own self at all.

Quoted in Wasaayaa wa tawjeehaat li tullaab il ‘ilm page 82, translated by Nasser ibn Najam

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The student of knowledge is careful when answering questions posed to him

With regards to the student of knowledge having the humility to tell the people that he does not know the answer to their question, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al ‘Uthaymeen rahimahullaah comments:

And know for certain that if you open up the arena (when sitting with the people), then questions will come one after the other to you.

However you should beware of answering with that which you do not have knowledge of. Don’t be deceived by the people turning towards you and beginning to ask you (questions), then you reply with that which you do not have knowledge of!

This is a serious issue because Allaah, the Most High, said:

Say (O Muhammad): My Lord has made forbidden al fawaahish (filthy deeds), whether done openly or secretly, sins, transgression without due right, and that you ascribe partners to Allaah for which He has sent down no authority and that you say about Allaah that which you have no knowledge of.

Soorah al A’raaf (7) aayah 33

Do not say about Allaah that which you do not have knowledge of. If you are asked about a matter and you do not know about it, then say to him, “Wait, I will ask about it and I will (then) tell you,” or “I will look it up in the books and (then) I will tell you.”

And do not say that about which you have no knowledge. Indeed the hearing, the sight and the heart – each of these will be questioned by Allaah.

Soorah al Israa- (17) aayah 36

Quoted in Wasaayaa wa tawjeehaat li tullaab il ‘ilm pages 260, translated by Nasser ibn Najam

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The student of knowledge is known for his remembrance of Allaah

The noble scholar, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al ‘Uthaymeen rahimahullaah stated:

It is binding upon the student of knowledge that he makes apparent the effect of seeking knowledge upon himself in worship and in methodology and in interactions with other people – so that he is known for abundance of acts of worship and turning in recourse to Allaah, the Most High, and reverence and humility in front of Him and perseverance in making remembrance of Him, He the Most High… So let him make manifest the effect of knowledge upon himself in the worship of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, and turning in recourse to Him and turning repentantly to Him.

And that his heart does not become neglectful of the remembrance of Allaah, for indeed the heart becoming neglectful of the remembrance of Allaah is a cause of disappointment and loss of time and lack of success.

And listen carefully to the statement of Allaah, the Most High:

And do not obey the one whose heart We have made heedless of Our Remembrance and who follows his desires. And his affair has been lost.

Soorah al Kahf (18) aayah 28


“his affair” – meaning his affair in its entirety – is “lost” – there is no blessing in it.

However if a person is constant in remembrance of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, with the tongue and the heart and the limbs, then there occurs in his lifespan blessing and the goodness is plentiful.

And read the statement of Allaah, the Most High:

Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are signs for the people of understanding.

Soorah aale ‘Imraan (3) aayah 190

Meaning – for the people who possess intellect.

Those who remember Allaah standing, sitting and lying down on their sides and who ponder over the creation of the heavens and the earth.

Meaning they say:

Our Lord, You have not created this without purpose. How free and far removed are you from doing anything without purpose.[1] Then save us from the punishment of the Fire.

Soorah aale ‘Imraan (3) aayah 191

(Quoted in Wasaayaa wa tawjeehaat li tullaab il ilm p46 to 47 of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al ‘Uthaymeen rahimahullaah, translated by Nasser ibn Najam)

[1] Refer to the Tafseer of at Tabaree rahimahullaah

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Filed under Action, Fruits of knowledge

Be humble to people who benefit you

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al ‘Uthaymeen rahimahullaah comments:

Beware of the disease of the tyrants – and it is kibr (pride). And the Prophet sall Allaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam explained it in the best manner, and it was that pride is arrogance towards the Truth and belittling the people – meaning looking down upon them and having disdain for them…

(And know that) your behaving in an insolent manner towards your teacher is pride. And this behaving in an insolent manner might be upon the tongue and it might be also through being irritable and agitated. A person may be walking along with his teacher whilst strutting in a cocky manner, saying “I did such-and such and I did such-and-such.”

And likewise pride is having aversion towards the person who benefits you from those people who are lesser than you; and this also occurs from some of the students when someone lesser than them in knowledge informs them of something, they have an aversion (to this) and they do not accept it.

(Sharh hilyah taalib il ‘ilm p28 – 29 of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al ‘Uthaymeen rahimahullaah, translated by Nasser ibn Najam )

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